

Task 1
Since 1985, migrations have increased. 80% of the immigrants come from underdeveloped countries. What are the reasons for these migrations?

People migrate for the ultimate goal of having a better life. The steps to achieve this goal is basically having a good base economy, so people travel to developed countries in order to have better job opportunities so they can get higher economic rentability.

Task 2
The average number of children per woman is 3, but different races or people from different countries have more or less children, which are the main reasons for this difference?

Economically, women with less economical balance should have less children, but instead, they have more because they believe their children can turn into productive entities to help the families economy.
Socially, birth-control methods have become more popular and heavily used in developed countries, greatly diminishing the number of children per woman.

Migration in Ecuador
Ecuador has recently aquired a large number of immigrants and less ecuadorians have migrated
outside the country. Cubans and Colombians have moved to Ecuador recently at high rates. Cuba has a socialistic type of government and a restriction with American economy, giving the citizens an average lifesyle but very limited business capability. Searching for better job opportunities and a better life, cubans have moved to Ecuador in very large numbers. Colombians have also moved to Ecuador recently, their president, Hugo Chavez, has hinted that Colombia would soon become a socialistic country, and is slowly changing it. Using this as one of the many reasons to migrate to Ecuador, Colombians have started to live in this country.
Ecuadorians have moved to Spain and the United States for obviously, better economical balance, to send money back to their families in their native country.

 What is Migration?
By definition, migrations are all population movements which imply a temporary or permanent change of adress.

Types Of Migration:

-Temporary Migration
-Permanent Migration
-Seasonal Migration

-Forced Migration
-Voluntary Migration

-External Migrations
-Internal Migrations

Reasons To Migrate
People migrate due to several different reasons divided in two groups:

Natural Causes:
Natural disasters or weather problems make people leave the site of the catastrophe, migrating to a safer place.

Social Causes: social causes are divided into 3 sub-groups:

  • Religious Factors
  • Political Factors
  • Economic Factors

Ecuadors Population Density

1.       Azuay = 81.3
2.       Bolívar = 56.1
3.       Cañar = 57.1
4.       Carchi = 44.7
5.       Chimborazo = 85.5
6.       Cotopaxi = 61.9
7.       El Oro = 98.2
8.       Esmeraldas = 34.2
9.       Galapagos = 2.8
10.   Guayas = 208.4
11.   Imbabura = 80.7
12.   Loja = 40.5
13.   Los Rios = 12
14.   Manabi = 7.3
15.   Morona Santiago = 5.7
16.   Napo = 7.8
17.   Orellana = 6.6
18.   Pastaza = 2.8
19.   Pichincha = 270.7
20.   Santa Elena = 80
21.   Santo Domingo = 94.8
22.   Sucumbios = 9.3
23.   Tungurahua = 150.2
24.   Zamora Chinchipe = 8.6

Population Test
  Do you want to practice for the population exam? Well, here is a warm-up test to evaluate yourself